Finn Insurance rates 2017 2

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    Sorry for the new topic but for some reason I cannot reply to the original (but can to anything else so has it been locked?)

    Anyway I looked quickly at gjwdirect and got a 6k boat the premium is £197 and for a 10k boat it’s £277. Quite a bit cheaper. I use them for my boat and I’ve not had any issues for a centreboard rebuild on my previous class when I had a claim. Might be worth looking around away from the recommended insurer as it looks like they’re taking the Michael a bit with that 100% increase.


    Still can’t respond on the main thread, sorry. I use GJW and have had no issues, but then no claims. Sorry forgot that my previous claim I mentioned earlier was with Craftinsure. They were good. I know this discussion comes around every year in the Phantom class and about 10 years ago the same thing happened with the premium uplift with no clarification of why. It just happened, tough, get on with it approach.

    Anyway I got quotes as follows for a £6k boat so may differ if you are lucky enough to have something nicer than my boat.
    GJW – £197
    Craftinsure – £230 (£130 ex) or £197 (£260 ex), but you can get monthly payments which is better than most offer.
    Noble – £397
    Insurance4dinghies – £317
    E&L – £221 or £22.12 per month
    Topsail – £279
    thats just a small sample. I’ve not heard of the latter two so I don’t know what their service is like. I’ve used all of the first three ones but will probably end up going back to craftinsure only because they appear to be the only ones offering monthly premiums (of the top insurers).

    If anyone else has relevant experience or knows of anything cheaper please let me know as it ain’t long until mine needs renewing.
    Thanks and sorry again that I am writing thing in a different post to Andrew’s comments


    Thanks of the price info, I will be writing again to the insurance companies and the RYA for an explanation and to see if we can negotiate a class discounted rate. The increase may be due to the boat being placed in a higher insurance group, as has been the FD class. Will post more info when we have it.


    Andrew Wylam

    I have just renewed my insurance for 2018 my Finn I was quoted via an email £260 for £12000 cover and road trailer £350 However when I tried to pay it was late evening so did it online direct with Bluefin web page I thought something was wrong they quoted a £170, however, having checked with them today I am told is correct they are doing it for £170 I have also just added legal cover at about £10 in addition

    It looks as if i have made big saving using online option I was told it’s down to the new latest new reduced rates for the Finn this is one good result this was not planned by me just got lucky.

    Andrew Wylam

    Keith Fedi

    Just got my renewal from GJW £220 for 8k total value. Bishops Skinner are £160 online. They used to be called Bluefin and are now Jelf still based at Chelmsford I think.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Keith Fedi.
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